基金會起源 arrow 錫安堂會肢體_懷念集 arrow 【永遠懷念翁瑞徵牧師】 arrow 黃麗東(Rayton) / Vivian / Eleanor
翁牧講壇 -「篤信力行」
資助錫安堂會: 快訊



Tribute to Rev. Yung Shui Tsing

Shui Tsing, my cousin and brother in Christ, and I were childhood friends. We used to play and have great fun together. My younger brother Rayland, who died 15 years ago, and he were buddies. They were fun loving, mischievous and sometimes even naughty. However, by the grace of God, they were both converted at about the same time. Both of them were called by the Lord to become full-time ministers, serving the Lord faithfully until the day when the Lord called them home to be with the Lord forever.
May the Lord God comfort and bless his family abundantly at this time of bereavement.

In His grace and love,
Rayton Huang


In memory of my most beloved Uncle Daniel
Vivian Yung

He is a most caring person, distinct in his quick wit and great sense of humour which God has given him as a GIFT to accomplish his lifetime ministry.  His main area of focus was to lead young non-believers to know God and become Chrisitans.
Throughout the many years of hardship of his illness, he never complained and was persistant in spreading the Gospel to as many people as he could possibly touch. This act will be a guidance for all of us to emulate.

Love in Christ, your niece,



Eleanor Yung Szeto


Uncle Daniel is my father's youngest brother. We grew up together as though we are brother & sister since we are very close in age.

Daniel was most mischievous as a child & teenager. We love to play hoax on adults who are too strict with us or peers whose characters are not to our liking. He taught me numerous tricks to agitate those who constantly reprimand us. We pulled pranks in devious ways and were generally successful in avoiding being caught and punished. We felt superior as though we were rulers roaming the world conquering our preys. 

Despite our crazy acts, we were never cruel or unkind. I was most amazed when at the age of 19, Daniel decided to devote his life to God and gave up his dream of becoming a medical doctor.   His life has been an inspiration to me and I have used him as an example of how God has His own reasons for selecting certain individuals to spread the gospel.  

I will truly miss him. However, my heart is at peace since I know we will reunite in heaven where live is everlasting and much more glorious.  Moreover, I feel his presence even as I write in remembrance of him. 

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