基金會起源 arrow 錫安堂會肢體_懷念集 arrow 【永遠懷念翁瑞徵牧師】 arrow 李松平 / 黃兆雄
翁牧講壇 -「篤信力行」
資助錫安堂會: 快訊

李松平 / 黃兆雄




I came to know Rev. Yung in the summer of 1970 when he was a young preacher at the age of about 27 or 28 and the person-in-charge of Zion Youth Centre at Tsz Wan Shan ( a place nicknamed as Red Indian District for famous of its gang fights day in and day out ) .He started the youth centre with Ms. Chung and Ms. Yiu and with the support of Swedish Alliance Mission and Rev. Andersson. In my impression,  Mr. Yung, at that time, was full of energy, sportive, quick-thinking, tolerant and knowledgeable. We went up there to join the youth centre's basketball team, interest groups, etc, at a very cheap price or sometimes free of charge. Mr. Yung played all kinds of games with us. Sometimes, we even used the black-board eraser to play soccer in the youth centre. Those were the good old days. At that age, we were wild teenagers. Then, Mr. Yung brought Christ to us and into our lives. He taught us about the Bible, the salvation and Christianity. We, wild teenagers, then gradually became young gentlemen and ladies. Me and my siblings' lives were completely changed because of his work and Christ's intervention. And this gospel, so far, continues to spread and influence the four generations of my family. In answering back, a member of my family has become a full time ambassador for Christ. At this moment, we wish Rev. Yung's family accept our condolences for their great loss. Christ Jesus and Swedish Alliance Mission had hired the right person. For Christ, Rev. Daniel Yung offered himself on the shrine and completely burnt himself out for HIM and other people. We owed him so much. 


Edwin Li and family





A Tribute to Our Beloved Rev.Yung


For all we know 

You forsook the secular degree

But decided to preach


You came to work as a Zion youth centre supervisor 

With energetic and thoughtful ideas


We came as kids with slippers

Still lingered the time with you in 

Ping pong, basketball and your acrobatic juggling


The smiles on our faces

The sweats on our skins 

Were the pure and happiest


You did realize what our vital need was not these 

But to sit down and listen for God’s spiritual words

So as to free us from the bondage of death and sin


From the bottom of our hearts 

Thanks to all your services and blessings for us

And we know one day

We’ll meet 

In paradise again


Love in Christ

The Wong’s family  :  Shiu Hung,Chung Kuen,Sze Lut,Sze Yin


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